I am Bron.
I work with brands, government bodies, and research organisations as a trusted advisor and friend, helping them to create a purpose-driven culture and then communicate it.
Culture embodies your purpose. What you stand for and value.
Communications are how you share this purpose with the world.
Originally from the UK, I’ve been living and working in Austria since 2015. I bringing a global perspective and a local sensibility to every project.
Latest Projects
Role: International Project CONcept + Manager
Celebrating the women of Austria
The Frauenmuseum Hittisau +
Bundesministeriums für europäische und
internationale Angelegenheiten
Project concept, culture, design + creation
Global project management
Project rollout: digital + events + exhibitions
Content creation
Social media strategy + management
Website management
Launched in 2022, I worked to deliver Calliope for the Austrian Ministry for European and International Affairs and the Women’s Museum, Hittisau as part of the Hittisau team. Calliope was created to promote the women of Austria, and their work and achievements, around the world. Working as part of the FMH team, we moulded and formed Calliope to have an internationally recognisable and relatable narrative that delivered against the requirements both diplomatically and culturally.
As project lead I created a concept that would best promote an international visualisation of female figures taking on a joyful, passionate momentum . I designed the concept to be ever evolving, one that could get bigger and incorporate as may women of Austria as possible to create a vast living network of incredible women. The concept theme is JOIN THE DOTS. This network will be showcased around the world at multiple events hosted at official Austrian residencies, on the website and on social media. The Calliope project and my management of it, are still ongoing and the next phase will see a total evolution of delivery formats and focal themes for 2025/2026. www.calliope.at
Role: Team Support + Mentor
Clarifying a university’s drive + purpose
FHV Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences
Training + coaching of team
Creation of purpose + culture
Revision + reconstruction of all internal communications
When real change comes it requires leaders with courage and passion; people with purpose, who can stand up and be heard.
The team inside FHV who are responsible for the implementation of the exceptional EU project, RUN-EU are full of drive, they just needed to see it for themselves and have the tools to share their mission.
Over the course of 6 months I have worked with the team to investigate the projects purpose, to form a clear and simple narrative and to create messages and a communication tool kit that both delivers on point while also inspiring their colleagues to embrace the changes and to be excited about their part in the future of a large university network. They have found their voice, they are driven to use it, they feel supported, productive, and motivated to do more.
Role: Direction + Strategy
A constant guide + advisor
HK Architekten
Directing the Mar/Comms team
There is nothing like being part of a busy, dynamic team. At HK Architekten I have been an honorary part of the team for nearly a decade – working with this exceptional and internationally renowned architecture office as a lead in all things Mar Comms. What started out as help with translation has naturally evolved as our collaboration has grown.
Today, I now deliver PR, news, content, strategy, company culture – I’m across it all and I am on hand daily to offer advice, guidance and practical hands on support, from the smallest social media post to the largest events and awards. I am there when they need me to get the team motivated, confident and delivering brilliant work.
Role: Communication Consultant + STRATEGIST
Horizon 2020 + Horizon Europe communication work packages
Kinneir Dufort
University of Bristol
Dissemination + Communication for projects
Project planning + strategy
Branding design + visual identity creation
International event coordination + execution
European consortiums, made up of exceptional individuals, form teams that deliver projects that will change all our lives. From medical solutions, sustainable materials, to travel initiatives and beyond– all of the ideas and inventions that have be born through the European Commissions Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe need to be shared with the wider world. This is what I do.
Dedicated communication work packages are in capable and expert hands with me, as I have delivered many, and received wonderful feedback from both the teams with whom I work and the moderators with whom they report. Still working on projects today, I love joining projects and cheering teams along , building strategic plans and bringing creative energy to projects that need to be disseminated far and wide.